Herbal Spray

Herbal Relief Spray

Natural Pain Relief | Herbal Product


  • Description & Uses

    Natural oils are used to create our exclusive Herbal Relief Spray. Relieve pain and soothe irritated skin related to many common ailments. Just spray directly on the skin, add to a bath, vaporize, or just enjoy the aromatherapy.

  • How To Apply

    Spray affected part with Herbal Relief Spray and massage into the skin for 30 or more seconds. For added releif, spray and massage in for 2 minutes or more after warm shower

  • Ingredients

    ­Aloe Vera Oil, Apricot Kernel Oil, Clove Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Lavender Oil, Peppermint Oil, Rosemary Oil, Squalene.

  • May Help To Treat

    Arthritis | Backaches | Busitis | Aching Hands, Arms, Legs & Feet | Tight Stressed | Neck & Back Carpal Tunnel | Cramps Dry, Cracked Feet | Dryitchy Scalp & Skin | Fever | Burnss Fibromyalgia | Gout | Kneepain | Osteoarthritis | Poor Circulation | Rotator Cuff | Sore, Burning Feet Sprained Ankle | Stiff Joints | Sore & Tired Muscles | Crook In Neck | Athletes Foot

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When should I use this product?

    AS Needed! The Ingredients in the Herbal Spray are organic and is safe for everyday use if needed.

  • Is this product safe for sensitive skin?

    Yes the ingredients in the Herbal Spray is safe for people with sensitive skin

  • How do I use this product?

    Spray affected part with Herbal Relief Spray and massage into the skin for 30 or more seconds. For added relief, spray and massage in for 2 minutes or more after warm shower.

Got Pain? Get Relief  Naturally!

Herbal Ingredients

­♦Aloe Vera Oil ♦Apricot Kernel Oil ♦Clove Oil ♦Eucalyptus Oil ♦Lavender Oil ♦Peppermint Oil ♦Rosemary Oil ♦Squalene ARTHRITIS/ BACKACHES/ BURSITIS/ ACHING HANDS AND ARMS/ ACHING LEGS AND FEET/ TIGHT STRESSED NECK AND BACK/ CARPAL TUNNEL/ CRAMPS/  DRY CRACKED FEET/ DRY ITCHY SCALP AND SKIN/ FEVER/ BURNS/ FIBROMYALGIA/ GOUT/ KNEE PAIN/ OSTEOARTHRITIS/ POOR CIRCULATION/ ROTATOR CUFF/ SORE BURNING FEET/ SPRAINED ANKLE/ STIFF JOINTS/ SORE MUSCLES/ TIRED MUSCLES/ FOOT AND TOE PAIN/ CROOK IN NECK/ATHLETES FOOT Spray affected part with Herbal Relief Spray and massage for 30 or more seconds. For massage applications, spray and massage 2 minutes after warm shower. ASTHMA/ BRONCHITIS/ CHEST CONGESTION/ EMPHYSEMA/ SMOKERS COUGH/ LARYNGITIS Spray Herbal Relief on hand or tissue and breath in through the mouth and exhale through the nose for 30 seconds. Rub on chest and throat. SINUS HEADACHE/ HAY FEVER/ COLDS/ HEAD CONGESTION/COUGHING/ MIGRAINES Spray Herbal Relief on hand or tissue and breath in through the nose and exhale through the mouth for 60 seconds. Oil may be applied  to temples and forehead. Spray pillows too. CANKER SORES/ COLD SORES/ INSECT BITES/ POISON IVY- OAK/ PSORIASIS/ ECZEMA/ FEVER BLISTERS BURNS/ SUNBURNS Immediately apply Herbal Relief Spray to affected areas and let dry. Repeat as often as needed. ABRASIONS/ CUTS/ SORES /-Apply Herbal Relief  Spray and bandage VAPORIZER – If a child has a cold, put a few drops in vaporizer to help breathing SAUNA / STEAM ROOM – Apply Herbal Relief Spray to warm water and relax for 10 or more minutes. Use for tub bath too. SLEEP ENHANCER – Apply Herbal Relief Spray to temples, under nose, shoulders and neck. TIGHT SHOES/ BOOTS – Spray Herbal Relief Spray on feet or inside shoes/ boots INSECT REPELLANT (Mosquitoes) – Spray body and limbs NATURAL HAIR MOISTURIZER/ TIGHT BRAIDS/ SCALP BURNS/ AFTER NECK AND RAZOR LINE SHAPE UP/ AFTER EYE BROW ARCH Spray Herbal Relief Spray on affected area. NAIL POLISH DRYER/ CUTICLE SOFTNER/ BRITTLE NAILS Spray nails  after nail polish application and on cuticles and let dry. PET ODOR/  PET DANDER/ FLEAS Spray and massage on your pet
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